# Some thoughts on Cheminformatics I'm James and I am a cheminformatician. I have put this site together mostly as a record for myself, what I have been doing, a way to track ideas and things I have learnt over time. Think of it as a personal wiki of sorts. This can be everything from molecular line-notations to protein de novo design and beyond. You'll find pages in a variety of different levels of completeness as I am usually working on different projects throughout the year. I also constantly tweak and change old pages as I come up with new ideas or links to newer content. I usually update some part of the site daily. If you want to find what I am working on right now feel to [[What Am I Working On ?|check it out]]. ## Latest edited pages - [[What Am I Working On ?]] - [[Simulated Annealing - Building a Test Harness]] - [[Simulated Annealing - Early Stopping and Tuning]] - [[Reaction Informatics - Reaction Datasets]] - [[Simulated Annealing - Optimising Bit Vectors]] - [[Reaction Informatics - Reaction Classes v. Reaction Examples]] - [[An Analysis of a Never-Ending Reading List - Data Wrangling]]